Politica Sulla Riservatezza

JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ, owner of the VIAM-APOSTOLI brand, as exporter of personal data and Responsible for the Processing of your personal data, in compliance with article 49.1 a) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of April 27, 2016 and art. 4, par. 7 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU, is relative to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and by which Directive 95/ 46/CE, (hereinafter, GDPR), informs you that your data is transferred for processing to the following Importer and Person in Charge of the Processing of personal data:


The data controller, in accordance with art. 4, par. 7 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU, is:
IONOS Cloud S.L.U.
Vega Avenue, 1 Veganova Building 3
Floor 5 Door C
Alcobendas 28108 Madrid

In the case of IONOS, personal data protection issues can be raised with our data protection officer via the following contact details:
IONOS Cloud S.L.U.
Data Protection Officer
Vega Avenue, 1 Veganova Building 3
Floor 5 Door C
Alcobendas 28108 Madrid
or by email to [email protected]

In compliance with the articles of the GDPR, we inform you:
Respecting the provisions of current legislation, www.ionos.es (hereinafter, also the website), as Data Controllers, undertake to adopt the necessary technical and organizational measures, according to the level of security appropriate to the risk of the users’ Data collected.
Identity of the person responsible for the processing of personal data:
The data controller of the data collected on the website is: JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ, with NIF: 78844585X, (hereinafter, data controller). His contact details are as follows:

C. Impresores, 20,
Prado del Espino Business Park,
28660, Boadilla del Monte, Madrid
[email protected]
Contact phone: 919930222

Purpose of the Processing of your personal data

The purpose of this processing will be to manage your request made through the platform of JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ, online or through a request by email. Such request may be, without limitation, the management of a request, the response to a request for commercial information or registration in the company’s newsletters, as well as any other interaction between the user of the platform of JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ, whose purpose is to satisfy the needs of the user. All the data that is requested is necessary to be able to attend to your request.

Likewise, we inform you that the data provided will also be processed to send you commercial information about our products and services that may be of interest to you, by post, email, SMS or any other equivalent electronic means of communication.

Limitation of the purpose of the Treatment

IONOS, as importer and Person in Charge of the Processing of personal data for its treatment, will process your personal data only in accordance with the legal instructions documented by JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ, as necessary to comply with applicable legislation or according to the purposes permitted above. IONOS will not request any other information from the user than that which JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ has given them instructions.

Security of the Information subject to Treatment

IONOS undertakes to implement and maintain appropriate technical and organizational security measures that are designed to protect user data from security incidents and designed to preserve the security and confidentiality of user data.

Confidentiality of Treatment

The user has the confidentiality and the duty of secrecy of the employees of JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ. and of all those who process the data in the name and on behalf of the same. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the user is aware of the possibility that the security of communications via the network is not invulnerable. Similarly, IONOS as data importer ensures that any person who is authorized by IONOS to process user data is under an appropriate obligation of confidentiality either by contractual or statutory duty.

Conservation time

The information related to your person will be kept during the period of validity of the interest for which you are reading these terms or have subscribed to a newsletter, as long as the deletion of your data is not requested, during the limitation period of the actions that may arise in connection with this contract; as well as for any claim that we may receive from official bodies in compliance with legislative regulations.
Information to send you commercial communications
The personal data provided for the sending of commercial communications will continue to be kept until you revoke the consent, all of this without prejudice to your right of deletion or opposition.

Legitimation for the treatment of your data

The legal basis for the treatment of your data is the execution of the commercial relationship in which you are a part, so that we can manage, develop, and control the corresponding commercial and contractual relationship. Some of the information that we request is mandatory, so failure to comply with any of it may make it impossible to provide the services we offer through our website.
In relation to the sending of commercial communications by electronic means – as a result of a prior contractual relationship – the legal basis is the legitimate interest of JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ, by virtue of article 21.2. of the Ley de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información (Information Society Services Law.)
In relation to the sending of commercial communications by any means, including electronic ones – outside of any contractual relationship, but based on a legitimate interest since you are addressing the entity – the legal basis is the consent that is requested in your time and you give it freely. If your consent is not obtained, JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ undertakes not to process your data for advertising purposes.

Communication or Data Transfer and International Data Transfer

For those users who exclusively use the IONOS platform and its registration, JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ, informs you that you may communicate his personal data to those public administrations with competence in the matter and in those cases where there is a legal obligation to do so.

In the event that JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ requires, at any time during the commercial relationship, to communicate your data to third parties for new purposes, your express consent will be previously requested for this in the legally required manner.

There may also be third parties who, as a result of services provided to IONOS, may access your personal data. This is the case of IONOS, who, as data importer and Data Processor, carries out data processing through the international transfer of your personal data.

International Data Transfer Guarantees

IONOS, as a data importer located in Spain, undertakes to respect and process the data of EU users in accordance with the standard contractual clauses established in article 46 of the GDPR, establishing that JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ, is the data exporter. We also point out that IONOS has obtained the EU-US Privacy Shield certification, as a legal basis for transfers of personal data of users. However, in light of the ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union in case C-311/18, the Privacy Shield is repealed. Therefore, until there is a new regulation, the processing of your personal data is based on the aforementioned standard clauses and IONOS undertakes: (i) IONOS undertakes to process the data of users from the EU in accordance with the Principles of the Privacy Shield. In accordance with the GDPR, JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ, indicates that the processing of any user data carried out in the USA may have less protection than that granted under the GDPR regime. However, IONOS data importer undertakes to propose alternative transfer mechanisms, including any new version of the standard contractual clauses or the Privacy Shield for the transfer of user data from the EU. In addition, if to the extent that a Court of jurisdiction or a competent supervisory authority orders for any reason that the measures provided are not sufficient to legally transfer user data from the EU. IONOS may implement any additional measures or safeguards that may be reasonably required to enable the lawful transfer of user data from the EU.

In certain situations, IONOS may need to disclose personal information in response to lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet national security or regulatory compliance requirements.

IONOS, undertakes to respect and process the data of EU users in accordance with the standard contractual clauses established in article 46 of the GDPR, establishing that JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ, is the data exporter. We also point out that both IONOS complies with the EU-US Privacy Shield certification, and takes it as a legal basis for transfers of personal data of users. However, in light of the ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union in case C-311/18, the Privacy Shield is repealed. Therefore, until there is a new regulation, the processing of your personal data is based on the aforementioned standard clauses and IONOS undertake: (i) IONOS undertake to process the data of users from the EU in accordance with the Privacy Shield Principles. In accordance with the GDPR, JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ, indicates that the processing of user data in the event it is carried out in the USA, may haveless protection than that granted under the GDPR regime. However, IONOS data importer undertakes to propose alternative transfer mechanisms, including any new version of the standard contractual clauses or the Privacy Shield for the transfer of user data from the EU. In addition, if to the extent that a Court of jurisdiction or a competent supervisory authority orders for any reason that the measures provided are not sufficient to legally transfer user data from the EU, IONOS may implement any additional measures or safeguards that may be reasonably required to enable the lawful transfer of user data from the EU.

With respect to personal data received by IONOS from You under the Privacy Shield, IONOS submits to the regulatory authority of EU. In certain situations, IONOS may need to disclose personal information in response to lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet national security or regulatory compliance requirements.

Security of your personal data

JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ, together with IONOS, importer of personal data for processing, have adopted the security levels of protection of personal data legally required, and have installed all the means and technical measures available according to the state of the technology to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of personal data provided.

As the Data Controller, IONOS uses a variety of security technologies and procedures to help protect your personal data from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. The personal data processed is protected on computer servers, in a controlled and secure environment, protected from unauthorized access, use and disclosure. All personal information is protected using appropriate physical, technical and organizational measures. You can consult more information about the security used by IONOS to protect your personal data at the following link: https://www.ionos.es/ayuda/seguridad/

JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ, owner of the VIAM-APOSTOLI® brand, as exporter of personal data and Responsible for the Processing of your personal data, at compliance with article 49.1 a) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of April 27, 2016 and art. 4, par. 7 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU, in relation to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and by which Directive 95/ 46/CE, (hereinafter, GDPR), informs you that your data is transferred for processing to the following Importer and Processor of personal data:


The data controller, in accordance with art. 4, par. 7 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU, is:
IONOS Cloud S.L.U.
Vega Avenue, 1 Veganova Building 3
Floor 5 Door C
Alcobendas 28108 Madrid

In the case of IONOS, personal data protection issues can be raised with their data protection officer via the following contact details:
IONOS Cloud S.L.U.
Data Protection Officer
Vega Avenue, 1 Veganova Building 3
Floor 5 Door C
Alcobendas 28108 Madrid
or by email to [email protected]

In compliance with the articles of the GDPR, we inform you:
Respecting the provisions of current legislation, www.ionos.es (hereinafter, also the website), as Data Controller, undertakes to adopt the necessary technical and organizational measures, according to the level security appropriate to the risk of the data collected.
Person responsible for the processing of personal data:
The data controller of the data collected on the website is: JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ, with NIF: 78844585X, (hereinafter, data controller). His contact details are as follows:

C. Impresores, 20,
Prado del Espino Business Park,
28660, Boadilla del Monte, Madrid
[email protected]
Contact phone: 919930222

Purpose of the Processing of your personal data

The purpose of the treatment will be to manage your request made through the platform of JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ, online or through a request by email. Such request may be, without limitation, the management of a request, the response to a request for commercial information or registration in the company’s newsletters, as well as any other interaction between the user of the JUAN JOSÉ platform DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ, whose purpose is to satisfy the needs of the user. All the data that is requested is necessary to be able to attend to your request.
Likewise, we inform you that the data provided will also be processed to send you commercial information about our products and services that may be of interest to you, by post, email, SMS or any other equivalent electronic means of communication.

Limitation of the purpose of the Treatment

IONOS, as importer and Person in Charge of the Processing of personal data for its treatment, will process your personal data only in accordance with the legal instructions documented by JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ, as necessary to comply with the applicable legislation or according to the purposes permitted above. IONOS will not ask the user for any other data than those that JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ has given instructions.

Security of the Information subject to Treatment

Builderall undertakes to implement and maintain technical security measures andappropriate organizational structures that are designed to protect user data from security incidents and designed to preserve the security and confidentiality of user data.

Confidentiality of Treatment

The user has the confidentiality and the duty of secrecy of the employees of JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ. and of all those who process the data in the name and on behalf of the same. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the user is aware of the possibility that the security of communications via the network is not invulnerable. Similarly, IONOS as data importer ensures that any person who is authorized by IONOS to process user data is under an appropriate obligation of confidentiality either by contractual or legal duty.

Conservation time

The information related to your person will be kept during the period of validity of the interest for which you are reading these terms or have subscribed to a newsletter, as long as the deletion of your data is not requested, during the limitation period of the actions that may arise in connection with this contract; as well as for any claim that we may receive from official bodies in compliance with legislative regulations.

Information to send you commercial communications

The personal data provided for the sending of commercial communications will continue to be kept until you revoke the consent, all of this without prejudice to your right of deletion or opposition.

Legitimation for the treatment of your data

The legal basis for the treatment of your data is the execution of the commercial relationship in which you are a part, so that we can manage, develop, and control the corresponding commercial and contractual relationship. Some of the information that we request is mandatory, so failure to comply with any of it may make it impossible to provide the services we offer through our website.

In relation to the sending of commercial communications by electronic means – as a result of a prior contractual relationship – the legal basis is the legitimate interest of JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ, by virtue of article 21.2. of the Information Society Services Law.

In relation to the sending of commercial communications by any means, including electronic ones – outside of any contractual relationship, but based on a legitimate interest since you are addressing the entity – the legal basis is the consent that is requested in order to provide you with the required information, products or services and you give it freely. If your consent is not obtained, JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ undertakes not to process your data for advertising purposes.

Communication or Data Transfer and International Data Transfer

For those users who exclusively use the IONOS platform and its registration, JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ, informs you that you may communicate his personal data to those public administrations with competence in the matter and in those cases where there is a legal obligation to do so.

In the event that JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ requires, at any time during the commercial relationship, to communicate your data to third parties for new purposes, your express consent will be previously requested for this in the legally required manner.

There may also be third parties who, as a result of services provided to IONOS, may access your personal data. This is the case of IONOS, who, as data importer and Data Processor, performs data processing through the international transfer of your personal data.

International Data Transfer Guarantees

IONOS, undertakes to respect and process the data of EU users in accordance with the standard contractual clauses established in article 46 of the GDPR, establishing that JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ, is the data exporter. We also point out that both IONOS complies with the EU-US Privacy Shield certification, and takes it as a legal basis for transfers of personal data of users. However, in light of the ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union in case C-311/18, the Privacy Shield is repealed. Therefore, until there is a new regulation, the processing of your personal data is based on the aforementioned standard clauses and IONOS undertake: (i) IONOS undertake to process the data of users from the EU in accordance with the Privacy Shield Principles. In accordance with the GDPR, JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ, indicates that the processing of user data in the event it is carried out in the USA, may haveless protection than that granted under the GDPR regime. However, IONOS data importer undertakes to propose alternative transfer mechanisms, including any new version of the standard contractual clauses or the Privacy Shield for the transfer of user data from the EU. In addition, if to the extent that a Court of jurisdiction or a competent supervisory authority orders for any reason that the measures provided are not sufficient to legally transfer user data from the EU, IONOS may implement any additional measures or safeguards that may be reasonably required to enable the lawful transfer of user data from the EU.

With respect to personal data received by IONOS from You under the Privacy Shield, IONOS submits to the regulatory authority of EU. In certain situations, IONOS may need to disclose personal information in response to lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet national security or regulatory compliance requirements.

Security of your personal data

JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ, together with IONOS, importer of personal data for processing, have adopted the legally required personal data protection security levels, and have installed all the means and technical measures available according to the state technology to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of personal data provided.

As the Data Controller, IONOS uses a variety of security technologies and procedures to help protect your personal data from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. The personal data processed is protected on computer servers, in a controlled and secure environment, protected from unauthorized access, use and disclosure. All personal information is protected using appropriate physical, technical and organizational measures. You can consult more information about the security that IONOS uses to protect your personal data at the following link: https://www.ionos.es/terms-gtc/terms-privacy/

We never sell personal information

JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ, as well as IONOS, indicate that we do not sell your personal data to third parties.You can consult the IONOS Privacy Policy at the following link: https://www.ionos.es/terms-gtc/terms-privacy/


Any person shall have the right to obtain confirmation if JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ, as data exporter and Data Controller, is processing personal data that concerns them through the Importer and Processor of personal data IONOS, and in such case, any person has the right of access to their personal data, for the purposes of the treatment, and to the categories of personal data in question. JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ, will request the following rights from IONOS on his behalf:

You will have the right to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected; the consent on which the treatment is based has been withdrawn or you object to the treatment; the personal data has been unlawfully processed; or must be deleted for compliance with a legal obligation established in EU law.

You may request the limitation of the processing of your data when you challenge the accuracy of the personal data during the period that allows the person in charge to verify the accuracy of the same, should the treatment is illegal and if the interested party opposes the deletion of the personal data and requests instead the limitation of its use; the person in charge no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of the treatment, but the interested party needs them for the formulation, exercise or defense of claims; or the interested party has opposed the treatment, while it is verified if the legitimate reasons of the person in charge prevail over those of the interested party. In such cases, we will only keep the data for the exercise or defense of claims.

In certain circumstances and for reasons related to your particular situation, you may object to the processing of data by IONOS in accordance with the guidelines of JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ.

You will have the right to receive the personal data that concerns you, and that you have provided, in a structured format, and transmit them to another data controller without being prevented by the data controller to whom you provided them, when the processing is based on consent, or the treatment is carried out by automated means.

When people affected exercise the rights of access, rectification, deletion and opposition, limitation of treatment, data portability and not to be subject to automated individualized decisions, they must communicate it by email to the address: [email protected]

Finally, in the terms established in the current legislation; you may revoke the consents that have been provided to us, with interested persons having the possibility of filing a claim with the Agencia Española de Protección de Datos | AEPD (Spanish Agency for Data Protection)


The personal data that JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ, as exporter and Data Controller, provides for processing to the importer and, in turn, Data Processor IONOS, comes from the interested party.

Additional Information

Users guarantee and are responsible, in any case, for the veracity, accuracy, validity, authenticity of the Personal Data provided, and undertake to keep them duly updated. Likewise, users guarantee to be over 14 years of age.

In the event that personal data is provided by persons who do not own it, the user must, prior to its inclusion, inform said persons of the points contained in the preceding paragraphs. In these cases, the user guarantees that the reported data is from people over 14 years of age and that the information is accurate and truthful. JUAN JOSÉ DE LA MORA GONZÁLEZ and IONOS shall be exempt from any liability for the user’s failure to comply with these requirements.